Implementing Software System

Aug 18, 2022
  • Business People Discussing Report  – Salt Lake City, UT – Hypnoscure LLC

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Below are some practices we believe are most helpful with Hypnoscure implementations:

1. Physician and staff buy-in including project champion: Including stakeholders and users of the system when making the decision to adopt a software package is important. If the stakeholders don’t understand the benefits and realities of the system, they will be reluctant to leverage the full benefits of the software.

2. Clear understanding of how expected benefits map to software features: Understanding what the destination helps ensure proper alignment between the two parties. We like to understand why you have interest in our software solutions. Defining the specific benefits expected fosters a conversation to better understand what success looks like and even defining measurable goals for the project.

3. Clear time, cost and quality agreement between both parties: This is similar to item number two above. Clear understanding of what is being acquired in addition to the software license improves success. How long to deliver the software vs. data conversion vs. training staff vs. scheduling the first patient are typical things that should be included in the software implementation plan provided to you.

4. Workflow and people implementation plan including training: Understanding your current workflows and their consistency rates provides a good baseline for planning. Will all staff or locations go live on the system at the same time or will it be rolled out in phases? A defined amount of training is included with your initial acquisition. Will any staff require additional training resources? Will new staff be trained by existing staff, will just in time training account services be adequate? Understanding what training method makes the most sense for your organization can improve knowledge transfer efficiency.

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